lördag 9 maj 2009

Sun King

The Sun is back and I remember reading somewhere that Swedes just loves the sun. Our faces turns to this God/Goddess of Light giving our smiles away in worship for the one and only true power in the world. It also stated that it was a sin not to be out in the sunny weather (probably doesn't matter how cold it is, if the sun's up you're out).

The sun is remarkable in that it is seen as one of the most important deity's in the world. Japan's emperor is direct descendant to the Sun Goddess, the Incas believed the Emperor and his wife was children of the sun and Louis XIV of France was the Sun King. An empire wasn't an empire until it was so big that it could be proclaimed the empire where the sun never sets. We know that it did after some time. Funny enough the Swedish monarchy also tried something similar. We couldn't call us an empire where the sun never set mostly because once a year the sun never came up so someone at the court came up with a splendid idea. Let's use the Polar Star as our celestial symbol. It never sets compared to the Sun. Ca 50 years later the Swedish Empire collapse so that was it the Kings of the Polar Star (actually only 2).

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