onsdag 29 januari 2025

A DnD Tale - Waterdeep: Dragon's Heist - Wizards In Winter (Finale)



And so begins the finale of Waterdeep: Dragon's Heist. They continue from where they last left off in this interdimensional mansion belonging to Manshoon. The first thing that happens is that the Manshoon doppelgänger melts into water. They begin raiding the place finding a room with an ice coffin, a library where they pilfer a collection of books they plan to sell and the sleeping quarter of all the dead guys where they pilfer all the items. And then they meet the big guy himself. They try to persuade him to give them the skull, I won't waste 2 months of preparations so after some awkward laughter from all involved the battle starts.

They begin in good mood as Immeral begins the charge and begins hitting him... and he just hit with a dirty 20. When they realise that they went "oh no". Then it was his turn. And I changed my way playing since we usually play it mechanically, you do this and this happens. This time I described it more, the air vibrated with unknown forces and I asked Hope's player to roll a d8 to see which character would get the blunt of the spell. She of coursed rolled a 7 which meant Parker, their cleric and only one that could raise them if they died. I cheated a bit before the game since none of the players had counterspell which meant that they couldn't stop the incoming spell, Power Word Kill, that instantly kills a person below 100 HP. So I gave Parker counterspell so they wouldn't be completely left to chance. So described that he felt something grabbing his heart and then I told them about this level 9 spell. This time they went "Oh No". And then I described Parker raising his hammer summoning the symbol of Moradin as white light as a ray of green light shot like a laser toward Parker. I asked Hope to roll a d20 and told them that to save Parker they needed a 19. Now it was "OH NO!". She rolled a 19 on the die. Parker was saved.

With that I had Parker using Death Ward on the players while Manshoon shot lightning bolts on them and the others tried to take him down. Since he was alone they wouldn't have a problem and after 3 rounds he was pretty much dead, but with the DM Fiat I let him break his staff over his knees, teleport away and sending a shock wave across the room that did 160 HP. Would have killed everyone if I hadn't Death Warded them and Parker rolled rather good on his Dex save having something like 5 HP left. Even if they are overleveled for most encounters that thaught them hopefully that they can still die. They rested up, leveled up to level 9, searched the rest of the mansion and found a ledger with names in it, Manshoons spell book and the skull. They got the rings from the dead henchmen and return to Waterdeep, bluffing their way out of the towers and back to town. They get the rest of the skulls and uses them to get to the Vault of Dragons. 

I sped through here as well by describing much what happened. As they opened a door Parker gets charmed by a Fresco so he can't leave... so Freya got to use countercharm for the first time, singing a rendition of Hellfire from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. They get to the second floor and the three bridges. As they cross the middle bridge Parker, Hope and Immeral jumped over while Freya rolled a 1 and fell down in the hole. Immeral, being now able run up walls jumped after her while Hope threw a rope toward them. Immeral misses, but Freya is able to grab his leg while Hope and Parker pulled them up. They get in, solve the puzzles and get to the vault and meet the dwarf protector. And since they only want a piece of a staff they get it and leave... and Freya once again rolls a 1 on the jump, and this time Parker hangs from the other side. Hope pulls Parker while Immeral, again tries to grab Freya... and misses again. Freya has to save herself and throws a rope toward Hope and Parker is able to roll a 20 to stop Hope from falling backwards and let Freya do a pendulum swing with the rope so that they all arrives on the right side of the bridge. 

They leave and on the way out they are stopped by Jarlaxle and his troops as he arrives on order of the Open Lord of Waterdeep, They give the spellbook to them, they get 50 000 gold from the Open Lord and then they leave. They go back to the pub and goes to bed. they have a dream of Mishka within his spider cocoon as they see his face in it. The next day they get visitors that need payment so they loose 20 000 gold at once, begin selling everything and as they open the pub again all the people they met are their until Volo comes by with a treasure map to an jungle island where they will find the third piece of the rod of rule. The End!

We will continue in February of 2024. Maybe it overstayed it's welcome, but I believe it more has to do with not playing as much as we did before the third sister joined. Now it might be 9 times a year when we got something like 12-18 sessions a year before. Had we played more often I might have went through with playing all dungeons (we skipped Jaraxle) and maybe have more pub adventures, but now it was to get the story going. Need to read through Tomb of Annihilation and create a new DMPC to help them around, don't know if a wizard, warlock or ranger is the thing to go. Need magic to balance the team, but a ranger might be easier to explain in game... of course, reading through the book it's probably use the guides mentioned, let the players make the decision. And now the final parting words of the session:

Will our heroes find the third piece before the Spider-Demon is released?

Will they survive in the Jungles of Chult!

Will Immeral find a were-Tiger to be bitten by?

Find out in "Tomb of Annihilation", unknown time, same blog!

onsdag 22 januari 2025

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Metal Gear Solid Master Collection vol. 1) (Switch)


Someday you go through the rainSomeday you feed on a tree frogThis ordeal, the trial to surviveFor the day we see new life! I give my lifeNot for honor, but for youSnake eaterIn my time there'll be no one elseCrime, it's the way I fly to youSnake eaterI'm still in a dream, snake eater!

The last of the PS2 duology of Metal Gear Solid-games. Wrote about it back in 2017 and probably haven't played it since then. Would have gotten the 3DS version if they hadn't pulled it from the 3DS eShop before taking the whole store down. Same story, Naked Snake is sent into the Soviet Union to extract a scientist named Sokolov that have worked on the secret weapon that will be able to launch nukes all over the globes. But Snake is betrayed by the Boss, the special forces commander that taught him everything so he has to get back, rescue Sokolov, destroy the weapon and kill the boss.

Quite the departure from the other Solid games since we now are mostly outdoors and that the main mechanic is using the camo to hide and take your time. Hunt and get resources. And they are as of writing in late 2023 on the way to remake the game for modern consoles (non-Nintendo that is). Don't know why since it still looks good. Snake looks his best here and actually have facial expressions, which makes Big Boss the most fun Snake to watch. That it has homages to James Bond movies is rather fun as well. 

It had other interesting ideas like the fight with the Sorrow. He basically sends the souls of all enemies you've killed along a river you have to walk through, so the more you killed the harder that section is (if you don't do the easy way out by drowning yourself to force the to be continue screen in order to use the revive pill). I recall I didn't kill anyone when playing my PS3, but here I killed a lot more people and the bosses (the bosses especially since I was just tired of them at this point, especially when the Fear constantly regained stamina for some reason). I think it was a reference to the part in the first Metal Gear Solid when Liquid says Snake enjoys the killing... and I know in one playthrough I didn't kill anyone making the comment really weird.

Works perfect on switch, load times seems to be minimal compared to the PS3 version making this an optimal version to play. Missing the trophies though when you have things like the frogs that doesn't do anything I guess... or maybe there is a camo you will get, but it would be nice with an indicator.

onsdag 15 januari 2025

A Dnd Tale - Waterdeep: Dragon's Heist - Castle Between Dimensions


A bit more purple and it might be Manshoon's place!

Continuing the story, I've went away from the original idea to let them fight through the last two lairs. Mostly because I'm beginning to bore on the setting, after two years and nothing happening pretty much does it for me. So I scrapped the Jarlaxle chapter and let them stalk out the docks. They get the submarine and discovers that the main circus ship has something attached to it so they intend to sneak aboard by putting a boat atop their submarine as a decoy. They go to the fisherman that took them to the dragon in the bay and begin to haggle with him to buy his boat. While Freya and the fisherman haggle Immeral tries to help the negotiations by poking a hole in the boat in order get him to lower the price. His spear is stuck on the boat and as he tries to get the spear out Freya begins to raise her voice to sound really upset so that the fisherman is distracted. Immeral gets the spear of the boat by rolling a 1 and throwing it into the water and falling in himself. In the end they get it for 200 gold and dinner for seven.

They then spend the rest of the week modifying the ship to have an air lock to their submarine. As they  finish and have a day off, they sail out in the night and as they approach the ship a fog appears in the bay. Hope that steers the contraption sees that the submarine beneath the ship detach and going toward the docks, so they change plan and follow. They sneak near the sub and as it resurface three drows emerges and goes toward an ally. Our heroes split up with Parker and Freya hiding at the entrance of the ally while Immeral and Hope goes up on the roof and watches the group. The drows have the silver skull and leaves it in the middle on the ground together with a letter and then disappears. Immeral, seeing no one jumps down to get the skull, but an invisible person uses Timestop, picks up the skull and appears before him. It's Laerel Silverhand, the open lord of Waterdeep. After a bit of talking where it becomes clear that they just looks for the part of the rod and not the 500 000 dragons, she gives them the key and the information where to find the last key, in the Kolat Towers. 

They hide the skull back at their pub and then they try to enter the towers. They use a charge of dispel magic to pass through the shield around them. Hope investigates the windows and openings and tell the others where the people are. They decide to use the same tactic as they used in the Xenathar lair, just walk in. Freya leads them and roll high enough that the first group just accept it and takes them to the teleport circle in order to send them to a castle between dimensions where their leader is. As they arrive they don't care about the voice that tells them to wait for the master to arrive so they walk in to the next room and start looking around. The Master arrives and they just begin bluffing as much as possible, until Ustrul Floxin appear, the person they fought back at the Graalhound villa. He screams at them, sets of an alarm and a battle starts as from every door henchmen of the Zhentarim appears. A tough battle, but they win and with that have reached level 9, which have to wait till the next long rest.

onsdag 8 januari 2025

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Metal Gear Solid Master Collection vol. 1) (Switch)


I give my lifeNot for honor, but for youSnake eaterIn my time there'll be no one elseCrime, it's the way I fly to youSnake eaterI'm still in a dream, snake eater!

Continued with the second game and last time playing was 8 years ago. Funny enough that post have been limited due to sensitive content... I think it's due to writing the T-word, but it might just be the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo trying to stop the spoilers being exposed. Anyway, same story and it feels more current than ever. We have discussions about AI that flood the internet with images and movies and whatnot and then we have the EU:s law for Chat Control (proposed by the Swedish commissioner no less) that feels like a first step in monitoring every conversation and then erase unwanted information, just like the plan the Patriots have for GW. So the political and social implications regarding the internet and everything they hint at actually come true, how people create their own filter bubbles and how truth distorts itself around them to fit their beliefs and so on. It's rather chilling.

But how is the game? Still good. Funny how Kojima once again copied the Snake Plissken movies by doing pretty much the same game again, but with added meta commentary why they are alike. Sad a third "Escape from" movie wasn't released. Maybe that I find the Plant-stage rather boring in comparison to the military base at Shadow Moses that I might prefer the first game. It might also be due to Raiden and his bickering girlfriend, I get that it build character, but how often can you hear the question "do you know what day tomorrow is?" without getting irritating? In the tanker you at least has Otacon that is tolerable.

So, PS3 or Switch? Well, I will probably play more on the Switch since it's a hassle to start the PS3 and get the controllers charged up so that you can play on the sofa. But... the trophy system tells you some things you can do, like take photos of the ghosts since they point it out and there is really no hint about it in the Switch version so that is maybe just guides. Then again, it's just for bragging rights and no actual benefit for the gameplay what I know. A bit of a long load time entering Codec-conversations though, I assume it has to do with the 3d-animation of the characters cause there was no problem with it in the first game.

onsdag 1 januari 2025

Metal Gear Solid (Metal Gear Solid Master Collection vol. 1) (Switch)


New Year! Old Games in new Packages! This time around we are in for the spy thriller that is the gaming worlds answer to James Bond, Metal Gear Solid. I haven't played the original version of the game before since I first played the GameCube remake, The Twin Snakes and that was apparently several years ago. Same story, but since I've been watching a lot of Escape from New York since then I think I get what was the inspiration. Funny how it came closer in the sequel Escape from L.A. to line up with this games story and it was released almost at the same time. 

So this remaster, works fine. The graphics are a bit dated and I'm more inclined to say that the GameCube version is probably better... or rather they are better, I can actually see the faces of everyone. Not only better graphics, but I actually like the reading from the voice actors better in Twin Snakes. In this Colonel Cambell just threatens Snake to do it, almost screaming at him. In Twin Snakes it's a bit more diplomatic making it feel like I'm caring for the old man so that when he tells me about his niece or how he is getting sidelines by the higher ups, I feel he is as lost as I am. And then we have Cam Clarke hamming it up and it's glorious. And at least the GameCube version have their real names since the original pretty much uses aliases for all except David Hayter.

Still interesting to play it. I recall people saying that by taking later improvements from Metal Gear Solid 2 the game become too easy in Twin Snakes and I can believe it. I had a hard time getting out of the first area. I tried the Japanese special version which had a very easy mode which consisted of an assault rifle with unlimited ammo which got me through the first area and into the base, but I went back to the original game. So I actually played more as a spy avoiding confrontation since I didn't have any weapons, and then I had to "level up" my stats after every boss (meaning I got more health and could carry more ammo). Of course, the Twin Snakes makes the fight with Ocelot a bit more realistic compared to running back and forth in the room trying to get a shoot at him.

Overall, it works fine for me, don't know if the jank in movements is due to lowered frames per second or if it was the original game. And for a on the go experience I might play it more often... but the GameCube game will probably be a better version, if they don't release it on the Master Collection vol. 2. Would love that of course and maybe I can finally get rid of one GameCube game. At this pace my PS3 collection have a higher chance of getting stored away than the Nintendo game.