onsdag 26 juni 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E10 - The Lady Who Smiles


Episode starts with Kokapetl getting kidnapped by an African boy who is doing some initiation rite and as Esteban shows up to rescue the bird he gets caught in the trap that was set for another animal. Zia shows up and they take the condor to follow the boy. They end up by a village that happens to be the village from where the people they saved from slavery belongs to and where Mendoza and the other had ended up. To get Kokapetl back Esteban and the boy have to duel which he wins.

Zia meanwhile finds the mask she saw in her dream from episode 2 and the woman they saved explained that they make copies from the real one since they want to take it with them as good luck charms. Sancho appears and tells Zia that he saw the real one back at Gomez place. Zia tries to tell Esteban, but he's so full of himself from the victory that he pretty much hurts her feelings when he boast that he could have gotten the stone from Ambrosius. Zia take the condor by herself and flies to Saint Sebastian.

Meanwhile at Ambrosius the nasty Olmec sabotage the engine to get Ambrosius to head back to base. I assume that it's because the stone that might be able to cure the Olmecs condition.

And as that is going on Tao wanders the castle with Nostradamus looking for clues from da Vinci and ends up finding the Mona Lisa... I was just kidding about the da Vinci Code. I gather also that they hint that da Vinci might be a reincarnated person, probably one of the sages, from Mu and that is how he got the knowledge, or someone told him about it.

The documentary was more about the castle how they prepared and emptied it for the king's arrival and departure and something about him only spending a total of 72 days there. And Kokapetl talked about the tapestries and their function as isolation from the cold.

onsdag 19 juni 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E9 - The Stone of Eternity


Sancho and Pedro is able to knock out Gaspard before he shoots Mendoza. Mendoza orders Sancho and Pedro to get Gaspard away together with the Olmec that seems to not be as violently inclined like his brethren. Zia is able to get back the medallions as well as the philosopher's stone, but as she does it seems the gravitation is set back for the stone so they plunge into a whirlpool down below. Mendoza joins and they are washed out into the falls. The same for the other group as the city is filled with water. The olmec that never entered climbs back to the airship and picks up Ambrosius.

The olmecs with the others is knocked out and is saved by Esteban and he now according to the atlantean code of honour now lies his life to Esteban. Shocker! This must be a retcon since I thought it was clear that the olmecs just was a third ancient civilisation that survived the war by hiding, but apparently they are atlantean soldiers lying dormant in the wait to awaken. If the translation is correct there where 4 different sites around the world, and we know 2 of them... maybe three if the frozen olmec in season 2 was anything to go by. Gaspard ends up by the shore with a bunch of crocodiles and fight his way out until Esteban and the Olmec stumbles upon him. Esteban hides and looks for the others as the olmec covers for him.

Zia and Kokapetl wash up somewhere else with the stone and is then caught by Ambrosius that sends the olmec after her. After a tussle he's about to take the stone, but Leguerra shows up and take the stone, sets Zia free and returns to Ambrosius. Zia finds the golden condor and no one else.

Meanwhile Tao and the Order of the Hourglass looks into the paintings of da Vinci making it almost like The Da Vinci Code, but instead it is visions of the seven cities hidden in his paintings. Which tells us that Ophir was the fifth city and there are clues to the sixth city by da Vinci, and apparently a hidden seventh.

The documentary talks about the Zambezi river and the bicycle Tao was riding around the castle with. Apparently some believes that the drawing in da Vinci's books looked too modern and might be a forgery. Never knew that, only heard that is was a da Vinci concept.

onsdag 12 juni 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E8 - Ophir

Looks a bit like Atlantica from Disney's Little Mermaid.

As our heroes are about to be killed by the olmec Mendoza hits a tile that shoots out a pillar pushing the olmec into the waters. According to the documentary it's the Victoria Falls (which I thought, but got stuck by the name Niagara Falls which I know is between Canada and the US). Ambrosius and the others start up the city of gold and search for the philosopher's stone. The heroes add their medallions as well and they notice that Ambrosius have gotten his medallions out which their's usually don't as they seem to be locked in place, almost as if they gather data from the cities themselves. 

During the fight with the olmec Mendoza was shoot in his hand and as they enter the factory part they see it creating diamonds (which would explain the Queen of Sheba's riches), but a laser seems to fire into it. Closer look into it reveal a DNA-helix which they don't know what it is. This cuts to Tao and Nostradamus in France discussing astrology and such as well this special staircase that I assume is formed like a helix and supposedly created by da Vinci. 

Zia drops one that Mendoza catches, and as he does it lights up and disappears, but at the same time his wounds are healed. Healing crystals. Meanwhile Ambrosius have found the room with the stone, but it flies in the middle of it, hoovering over a gigantic diamond and several rocks flying beside it. Leguerra is forced to get to it, but Esteban jumps in to get it before them. Ambrosius send the other Olmec and Gaspard to deal with the others and tries to follow, but the rocks start turning in circles. The others are attacked by the villains and Mendoza uses one of the laser things to keep them at bay so that Zia can run to Esteban and get to the middle of the room first. Mendoza have to save Pedro from being crushed by the diamond press, but it seems to shut down the whole city and below the waterfall the first Olmec washes ashore.

As mentioned the documentary was on the Victoria Falls and a bit about rainbows. Apparently the inspiration for the city was a local tribes deity of a fish god that protects them. Which is interesting since the city was built 10 000 years ago and never shown I thought. But then, how could the Queen of Sheba have the philosopher's stone? Or the treasures for that matter without having the medallions herself? Or was she the one that had the double medallions that Ambrosius now possess? 

onsdag 5 juni 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E7 - The Roaring Smoke


Tintin already did this with a hidden city behind a waterfall!

Ambrosius is able to find the place where the city of Ophir is hidden after Leguerra is able to translate the riddle about the smoke that thunders. Not a volcano as everyone thinks, but a waterfall. They land and is about to climb up, arriving at steps made out of orichalcum and a new riddle... which I don't understand what it is. According to the translation it was something about things that seemed to be together. Anyway, one falls move and a pillar of stone shoots out and may push you to your death. Of course, the ones that are pushed are saved, Leguerra and Ambrosius. 

Our heroes meanwhile have a bit of a problem. Tao has lost confidence in himself, again I would say and opts to stay in France and study under the Order of the Hourglass. Mendoza and Esteban clears the rubble, and Pedro is being pretty much hit on by the king's sister during the whole stay until they are allowed to continue their journey. Zia tells the whole story to the king of Zimbabwe who tells them about the waterfall they are looking for after getting the riddle, Francis I shows up and invites the king over to France and then they head off.

They arrive and is captured by one of the Olmecs and they join Ambrosius and Zia, with the stories Tao told her about the different animals and such is able to translate the pictures and take them toward the top where the City of Ophir hides. Ambrosius heads on and tells the Olmec to get rid of them.

The documentary was on the wall of the capital of Zimbabwe, rather interesting building since it hasn't cement or mortar, it was just stones laid on top of each other creating an interesting pattern.