New Year, old games! Writing this is actually easter of 2023 and I been back at my parents and as usual playing some puzzle game while waiting for the easter bunny and dad to finish cooking. I picked up Mahjong before the end of the eShop closed. It's pretty much Mahjong. In single player you have 3 difficulties with 5 board each. Easy and Medium no problem, but hard was... hard. Until I learned that you could sacrifice 20 seconds to shuffle around the pieces. Meaning I could get out of deadlocking me if I knew I would get stuck. And I didn't care for the high score beyond finish the board.
So that was a nice distraction. I would actually have preferred a version that we had on our Apple computer back in the early 90's. The default theme of the pieces was fantasy so you had witches, dragons, wizards and so on. It was also these neat animations when you cleared them together with a roar or something akin to that. Googling it it probably was a Shanghai clone or maybe it was the original. Hard to say with the little photos that exist from that time as well as no proper way to play it without emulating the original hardware... well, what do you know? Looks like it's might be it, just missing the colours and playable in the browser, how neat
Happy New Year Everyone!
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