onsdag 15 februari 2023

Aer: Memories of Old (Switch)


Another story-driven plattformer puzzler in the vein of Rime. It's rather short since I finished in an afternoon between lunch and dinner. And after rage quiting Chrono Cross after a boss beat me up good. So I needed something soothing instead. The game tells the story of Auk who have the ability to transform into a bird and is sent out on a pilgrimage like the sages of old to the different temples on the islands in the sky after the great divide where the creator lifted the islands to the sky.

So basically go around and gather the parts of a relic and piece together the story behind it. The first thing you get is a lantern with light that can show you ghosts of the past and listen in to the story of before and after the great divide. Apparently the Dreamer slept the dream that created the Creator that in his turn created the world and together with the spirit animals protected the humans, but the humans began losing faith and began preying to the god-king (if it was a god or mere human the game doesn't clear up) who sent soldiers to gather the powers from the temple and holy places, in the meantime the Creator felt a Void in his heart that threatened to swallow him that came from the humans which he had bonded with since they were his greatest creation. So to protect them he ripped out the Void from his heart and sundered the world and imprisoned the Void behind the Veil.

The humans led by the great sage made pacts with the spirit animals so that a few humans could take the form of said animal. The first sage took the form of a bird and the same goes for Auk. The sage also hid the parts of the relic with the three guardians of the dream and spirit animals guarded the keys to the temple. But since the Veil is failing snow from the north crawls south while animals falls dead and their ain't many humans left in the world. 

After gathering each relic a clearer vision of the Void appears in some nightmare world and after gathering all three and activating the lighthouse that open the ways to the Creators Shrine  Auk flies in. She is touched by the Void and seems to fall dead, but is saved by the flame of the lantern that tells Auk that she is the spirit of the great sage and that she will protect Auk for as long she can and guide her through the darkness in this tomb or whatever it is. Right before the confrontation the sages light goes out, but a shimmering light appears on Auks arm as she enters the final room. The Void appears and tries to grab her but is repelled by the light on Auk's arm that now also appear on Void, it again tries to reach for her but she stand fast and pushes her hand onto the hand of the Void and a white light engulfs them both and... credits roll, the end. 

Interesting story and piecing together everything. I missed that your mentor had his own cave near the lighthouse, but I guess it was just another clue on how to get to the keys and temples. So that's the great thing, but as a game... there's hardly anything there. Mostly go from point A to point B and maybe push a button. The hardest thing was actually finding a stair in the last temple that took me a hot minute (and one small look at youtube to see what I was missing). I also had the game freeze on a loading screen ones and the loading times can be rather long I feel, especially just for a room when the overworld or the temples aren't a problem and rather huge in comparison to this one room.

It's a one playthrough game really if you were as thorough as me so I got the story and all that around it and its rather soothing as mentioned. Also funny is that it was a lot of Swedish names on the production of the game, guess more cinematic than gameplay comes from that. Checked the internet for what others felt and many classified the ending a bit abrupt, maybe missing one final puzzle before entering the final cutscene. Also a great theory on what it all means and some explanations on things I missed as well. Sadly there is no sequel or spiritual successor since the company behind it have shut down as well. 

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