onsdag 2 juni 2021

On Her Majesty's Secret Service


Really miss the posters on the blu ray cases

6th film, first without Sean Connery and instead George Lazenby's one and only Bond-movie. And... you know what. It's the most boring of the Bond-movies yet. I mean, first part of the movie is 007 meeting this girl Tracy, meeting her father that turns out to be the head of one of the biggest mafia families in Europe that want's Bond to... (in his own words I might add) dominate her. And 007 agrees if he can get a lead on Blofeld. Then get into a lawyer firm to get connections to a count Bluchamp that lives in Switzerland. Where Bond infiltrates as a heraldic specialist. And now we get to a normal Bond-movie. This is by far the longest Bond-movie ever at the time. There's not really a threat to the world at the moment. 007 just does it as a continuation of the last movie. 

Well, this institute in the mountains is actually brainwashing women to become SPECTRE agents that at a given order will use a toxin that can eradicate a strain of plant or animal making it infertile, causing famine and world chaos. And Blofeld does all this for the chance to get acknowledge as the count of Bluchamp and amnesty for his crimes... somehow we went from a world spanning organisation that lived on committing crimes to a personal vendetta to get off scot free. The action is not bad though, first skiing sequence in a Bond-movie and the attack on Blofelds compound is a thrill. I like the title song and I noticed that they put in some electronic sound in the Bond theme that wasn't there before. 

I have no problem with Lazenby, maybe the fact that they try to hard to push that 007 is the same character as in all adventures with the scene at MI6 where he packs his things and we get musical bits from the older movies (which is a nice touch I might add), but then you can't have his first line being  "this would  never happen to the other guy". But overall you could cut 10-20 minutes cause it drags. Really, this is the longest Bond movie until Craigs run. And you don't need it here. Maybe it's the love story I can't stand.

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