onsdag 12 maj 2021


The Man with the Midas touch

The third Bond movie and the one seen as the defining Bond-movie. It has the Aston Martin, an ending fight between a squadrons of soldiers on either side and a pre-credit scene. 007 is ordered to look into Auric Goldfinger who the government believes are smuggling out gold which is a danger to the major currencies (dollar and sterling) as it's tied to the gold standard according to the Bretton Wood-system established after the 2nd World War. As you might guess, this sort of thing is my jam. Of course, the Bretton Wood-system would fall just 7 years later when Nixon admitted that the US couldn't guarantee the dollars worth in gold. Of course, the movie doesn't explain the gold standard, you just have to know about this. 

Goldfinger is really petty, he don't like loosing so he cheats in card games and golf. And if someone makes a slight against him, he kills them. Most spectacular Jill Masterson who he orders painted in gold so that she suffocates... I think this have been debunked, but I'm not quite sure. It also has Oddjob, the first side-villain to the main bad guy, although Grant is pretty much a proto-type.. or is he the real bad guy of the film? Big, strong and silent, taking a lot of punishment.

The grand plan is that Goldfinger is gonna break in at Fort Knox, plant a dirty atomic bomb and blow it up to contaminate all gold in the storage. It hinted that it's the Chinese that gives Goldfinger the bomb to destabilise the west and heighten the value of Goldfingers own gold. A simple plan. He gets equipment from mobsters all over the US and then kills them off since there won't be any 10 million dollars to give them, Pretty much the weakest part of the plan since if more than one would have declined the 10 million I think Oddjob wouldn't have been able to get them. Also bad for Solo (the mobster leaving) that he didn't have a gun on him with quicker reflexes. The day is saved when 007 seduces the pilot Pussy Galore... and the handling of women in this movie is really problematic. First scene in Miami, Bond hits a girl on the back, enhanced with sound effects. And then how 007 seduces miss Galore, with just force really. Yeah, a bit problematic... but it was the 60's so whatever.

Beside the misogyny, no SPECTRA in sight, music gets really good. One thing I will give the Craig movies, at least they have the same Felix Leiter so that I recognise him. Blofeld is bad as well, but at least I don't see him during 2-3 movies compared to Leiter who from this one out is in every movie, and he looks different every time, and it's not they cast look-alikes, this one looks like an old man, the next one looks a bit like the one from Dr No. If you have Bond, M, Q and MoneyPenny the same actors, why not get a Felix Leiter? Was it because they didn't have one in From Russia... ? 

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