onsdag 5 augusti 2020

Mega Man (Mega Man Legacy Collection) (Switch)

Still find the European Box Art rather fantastic.

As my Micro Sd Card of 400 GB is being completely full I decided to migrate all Capcom games to secondary memory card since it's pretty obvious they take the most space, looking at you Resident Evil games that doesn't get a physical release at launch and when they do it's only one out of 2 or 3 games and always the smallest one on the cartridge while the others need to be downloaded. So using the internal storage of the Switch I moved most games, except Resident Evil Revelations 2 that on around 23 GB was too big so I had to download it again, which take ca 4 hours for some reason. So I'm stuck with my Capcom memory card, time for some Mega Man.

Played it before on Wii (didn't finish), Wii U and 3DS (which I finished) and I even got it on my Sega Mega Drive Mini (which I haven't played). Never played it as a kid. As you might see, I only finished it on consoles where you could potentially save scum and such and that's the case, without it I wouldn't get very far cause this game is punishing at certain points. Not the main 6 areas with the robot masters, but the damn Wily stages. Story is that in the year 200X Dr. Wily takes control of the robots created by Dr. Light in a bid to take over the world, Dr. Light takes a household robot and turns it into Mega Man, the last hope of humanity.

So Mega Man jumps and shoots his way through 6 stages to fight of the 6 robot masters, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man, Guts Man , Cut Man and Elec Man. Pretty straight forward levels where the goal is pretty much survive to reach the boss room, get killed, start from there and just win against the master and get his weapon to use on another robot. Elec Man is recommended to take sometime after Guts Man since you also get a secret weapon called the Magnet Beam that you need to get past certain platform areas. The Wily stages you need to get through on limited resources in what is pretty much 3 stages fighting the bosses all again with some new ones. Lucky Elec Man's weapon have the pause glitch where you press the pause button again and again and the hit registers several times. For bosses like the Yellow Devil there is no other option if you don't learn the pattern that is very specific. I hate that, I'm not a kid with unlimited time anymore. Also, the platforming is rather suspicious since Mega Man feels very slippery and not always as responsive when I try to jump so many times I've fallen to my death for something that feels like me slipping past a platform or the jump not register so I just walk of the platform.

So how do the Legacy Collection add to the game? You can save state like before, but you also got a rewind option by holding down L you can try to avoid mistakes and such. Don't know if there is some max time, but at the boss rush with Bomb, Fire, Ice and Guts Man I stopped going back in time and it could be that I was waiting there a long time and didn't bother rewinding long enough or that I reached a max time it is able to do that. You also get a database with the enemies and what weapons to use and an ability to fight the bosses to try them. There is also some challenges for the collections, but I might not be that inclined to 100 % them. 

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