onsdag 6 november 2019

Life Force (Switch)

Got through my favorite Konami shooter once again, this time the arcade version. Helped a lot by the fact that I could turn up rapid fire for everything. Mostly the same as the NES port, but certain differences. Audio is better, you even have a voice both describing what happens, what you should do against the bosses and what power-ups you picked up. The stage shifts are nice since it just go into the next one by turning the ship. They also have arranged the stages a bit differently since stage 2 is stage 5 and vice versa and no Egyptian mummy head for end boss or a stage themed after that. 

Also, the power-ups doesn't work like on the NES since there you could save up and choose the ones you wanted, instead you get what you get. I assume the port was made to look more like the Gradius-series since it's a spin-off of that. Would I play this or the port? Doesn't matter really. Pretty much the same. Maybe slight benefit for the port with the Konami code giving me enough life to not need to save scum past certain parts. 

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