onsdag 12 juli 2017

Blaster Master Zero

As long as there is no zombies, bugs or trains I'm game.

And another Switch game. And I completely played it the wrong way. Just for completion I got it both for Switch and the 3DS and started on the 3DS, but then they released DLC so I got it since it was free and suddenly I could play as Gunvolt from the Guvolt-series by the same creators. SO I played that on the Switch version and finished it and I was gonna call it quits, but something told me to at least play it as intended to get the story. So I did. And I don't know which version is better. Playing as Jason has much stronger attacks that utterly destroys the enemies... as long as you don't get hit since each time you get hit you loose one upgrade of your weapon until you can power it up again. The main reason why I haven't finished the original game on the 3DS virtual console. Gunvolt was easier in that regard since you are more about hitting the enemy ones and then shock the enemies as long as your energy meter has something in it. Then run around until it recharged itself. Much easier, but the weapon is weaker... and that I didn't figure out that you could lock your attack pattern with a press of the right trigger. 

As Gunvolt easy as hell even if looking intimidating, cheap as hell as Jason.

So the story is that the earth has been hit by an ice age due to war and catastrophes and humanity hid underground for a couple of hundred years and are slowly rebuilding the ecosystem, but a comet have hit the planet. Jason Furdnick is a... whatever, he knows machines at least find an unexplained frog he names Fred. One day Fred escaped into a wormhole and as Jason follows he stumbles upon... tank I would guess, named Sophia III. He enters it and sets out to find Fred. Going through a former residential area he discovers a girl named Eve and she joins as a co-pilot and help him find Fred. And after discovering Fred it's revealed that he is a... robot that was sent out by an alien race together with Sophia III and Eve to fight the mutants that have arrived to earth with the comet and the mission changes to stop him. You fight your way until Area 8 where you fight the Mutant Lord... which I guess was the Blaster Master in the original game. And then the game ends I gotta say, the wave beam of Jason was a lot quicker than the electric gun Gunvolt used and... what? It doesn't end here? Is it like the Castlevania-games where additional characters only can play a part of the game and not the end game? Well talk about surprising me.

So you didn't get to fight through the boss rush? Update: Well, I guessed I missed something since he should be able to get to Area 9, but I don't know what I possible missed since I got all bosses and health, must have missed some upgrade somewhere.

What happens is that Eve knocks you out and takes Sophia III to fight the Mutant Core alone. Fred opens up another wormhole revealing Sophia Zero. And you are of to rescue Eve traveling through a maze like dream area where you have to fight of each boss again in groups of three. Except the first one, Mother Brain that you fight... well three times, but on two separate occasions. Then you find what I guess is the space ship the Sophias are modelled after where you find Sophia III taken over by the Mutant Core with Eve entangled by roots. So an epic battle between the Sophias where the best tactic is fire at  it until it sets up the Acceleration Beam, jump behind him and start up your own and blast it away. Jump out and board the Sophia III to rescue Eve and then blast it away. The End. I really enjoyed it. And I know I will hate playing through the original where I will miss the map, the quick weapon change, the guard for  losing the weapons upgrade and the target lock. Improvements that I bet wasn't in the original. And the music. I knew it was good from the original, but another benefit from playing Gunvolt first was that Gunvolt only have one track for dungeons while Jason changes it, but I actually prefers Gunvolt. I gotta continue play Azure Striker Gunvolt. The music must be in there as well. And with this I finished all Switch games I own... well maybe not Mario Kart 8, but it's a party game, not something you really complete... or Shovel Knight, but I finished it on both Wii U and 3DS... except the Spectre of Torment DLC... *sigh* I gonna fix that.... some day.

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