måndag 3 mars 2014


So what happens? Well I must have missed part of the beginning since they seem content with the situation trying to get out of the desert together. Meanwhile Mendoza search for the kids and gets attacked by bandits sent out by Zares. Of course he beats them and give chase for their leader. Sancho and Pedro follows. They all meet up outside the temple and enters, discovering that the place is booby traped by some madman and it gets worse as Zares attacks. Mendoza fights him of for amoment until Zares corners him at a gore. Sancho and Pedro tries to help, but are thrown besides Mendoza and then Zares strikes the earth throwing the men to their doom. The kids hide and then falls into one of the traps by the madman and Zares is seemingly chrushed by a boulder (I would presume he survives).

Now who is there to save them? Ambrosius who tricks the madman and puts him to sleep with some gas and we learn that they have been mislead since the eyes they searched for originated in the Himalayas, Shangri-La anyone? Ambrosius heads of and Tao follows him believing the spaniards are dead and the culmination of the Mu-Atlantis conflict. Estaban and Zia searches and eventualy finds them (it's a children show after all) in a opening in the mountain. They head of and reunites with Ambrosius and Tao, which also leads to the resolution of the conflict. 5 episodes to go.

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