lördag 2 februari 2013

Catching A Murderer

Friday has gone and another session spent finding out about a murderer and antidote against a damn poison. Funny enough I found a trait I can take that make me immune against poison. Feels like something to look in to. What ever happened then after this person burning himself to death (now that I think back, did we just leave him there on the floor in pain? I think we did. Oops!). We began searching this room and the other room. I spent some time with notes on the wall but... failed my rolls as usual. I gathered the notes, checked the other room and found nothing, then headed back to the archive, checking on the blue moon festival, which I actually succeeded in. When there our assassin returned and came to me for checking up what we have done and our next goal. He headed out for the arbitrator whom's whereabouts I easily deduced... for once since I couldn't connect the dots between the murders on my notes, the notes stolen from the man in the mansion our the date of the blue moon festival, all of them hanging on my wall.

So the assassin heads of to the place, sneaks in and find the arbitrator torturing Sunny for information so he take his rifle.. line up the shot and blows his leg of. The others show up after some torturing and they debate what to ask him until they need me. So the assassin runs over and get me and the cleric who stayed with me to search for information so I close and lock the door. I return and what is the shocking revelation? The arbitrator is no other than the wanderer Kkarl. He had murdered all the people after being persuaded by some prophet-like person (implying more or less some cult at work or at least a charismatic or psychic cult leader). The number 88 was mentioned and he had killed 87, the last murder was supposed to be our rabbit psychic. After the confession the cleric more or less gave him his final rite, aka shooting him. And so begin the endgame of this quest as we restock and finally get some detox medicine, all payed for by our cleric... since she obviously has the most money out of us three poisoned.

After all that we head over to our pick-up zone and fly into space. Me and the psychic more or less sick since the detox had a couple of side effects on us (translation: we failed our rolls). Compare that to the cleric, the good for nothing... ahem. As a side note I will mention that after the session I actually remembered that I didn't leave the key to my study at the archives so... oops! The last thing that happened was more or less that our tech-priest got some promotion from someone in red garbs, don't remember who it was. I was sick alright? So we are finally of the planet, ready to traverse the stars (probably in a hunt for this cult leader). That's that anyway, so now I can relax until tomorrows D&D session and.. what is this on the TV? Those light? That sound? No, it can't... NOOOO IT'S IMPOSSIBLE

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