Someone (probably none) wondering what I meant by last posts cliffhanger? Children of Mana is a game for the DS that I must say is one of the more boring games I ever played. And I usually like RPG:s, although they can lean to be the most cliché-filled plots ever (Skies of Arcadia for some example) and can play them over and over again. Although that is probably not a fair comparison since it's actually an action-RPG Dungeon Crawler, and the only other game that comes close that I've played in that genre is Diablo... and I never finished that game. So I'm probably not terrible fond of that genre since I prefer a whole world with lots of villages to visit and people to talk to. Feels like it's worth exploring and further the plot to see a new place and visit new people to save (without hoping to get paid). These two games are just looked in the same village with either a change of dungeon location (Children of Mana) or the dungeon itself changes depending on how further down you get in it (Diablo). All in all, it just feels boring. The things that balance it up on the other hand is the atmosphere in Diablo, it really feels scary, dark colors and sounds making you want to play it (it's just that I suck at leveling up my character in a good way and therefore not prepared to win tougher fights). Children of Mana on the other hand is more beautiful, the colors are fantastic and all... but it isn't enough for me to persuade me to finish it (beyond the fact I have to finish the game). Hmm, now I got a craving to play Diablo... hold on a minute.
*Three days later* OK, there isn't any competition, Diablo is so much better. It felt pretty good playing it this week with All Saint's Day and Halloween. And guess what, I made it to level 13, which means HELL. And it really are. Ambushed and killed by four Balrogs who had nothing better too do than wait at the entrance and await my decent into hell. Those bastards, I have waded through hordes of monster, but those four corners me and then kill me every single time. Being just a mere Warrior I'm now seriously looking into using my limited spell power to at least get some advantage... No, those demons are immune to my level 12 fireball which is the most leveled up spell I got. The only one that seemed to turn the tide was Stone Curse, but I don't have enough mana in order to stop more than one, which means the other three keeps bashing on me until the cursed one awakens and I'm lucky if I'm able to kill at least one, but then my potions are all out and I'm dead. Cheating bastards. If I'm not able to turn the tide and keeps getting killed the other option would be to start a new game again, and I didn't know that, and I have had this game for 15 years. A new game plus feature without even needing to complete the game. Only bother is to wade through the first 8-9 levels without being able to pick up any XP, but if that what it takes to survive the first level of hell so be it, at least I got some really nice armor and equipment fighting the first bosses.
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