lördag 23 oktober 2010

Out of Control

It's been a while... again. I have to excuse me, but it is kinda stressful at the moment. I have an exam on Monday... which I haven't studied enough to, mostly because I also had 3 excel assignments to do, together with a 15-20 page report to hand in the monday after this exam. Then Tuesday is a presentation on that subject. It doesn't end there as on the Thursday that week I have another exam. How fun! Doesn't help that I promised away this day to a BBQ... which I can't miss since I was supposed to take the people from this to a party thursday next week, but that one was cancelled due to the hostess had to work the following day. Damn it! It's all her fault... nah, now I was just mean.

At least I have bunkered up with horror and monster games for Halloween, like Resident Evil 0 and 1 as well as the new Castlevania game... question is when the hell I'm supposed to be able to play them, since I'm forced to study for the exams until the 4th of November, then my parents are visiting me and they leave on Saturday, which is when I'm going for a masquerade party and then the next courses begins. And the week after that it's a reunion of "the last of the Political Magisters" and you know that's not a calm weekend. We might like boring stuff and dress up in suits, but we can party.

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