I feel like I'm on a roll. Yesterday it was cinema time with Green Zone. Fairly decent action-thriller or whatever you call it. Reminded me (and apparently some of the other guys I went with) about MW2, especially the first missions. Of course that disrupted my schedule as we also got the next home-exam in International Relations and European Integration studies. So it's once again two weeks of utter stress and madness... not really, this ones feels a bit better, mostly due to the fact that I studied American foreign policy in 2008 and it pretty much had the same theories with a more center view on the US. Only problem is I have to refer everything I say to a source witch mean I have to search thru my old notes and books to find all the good stuff.
Anyway, I thought on doing some work today, but the faculty had messed up with schedule here and placed an international conference on Europe and the global world. I was only supposed to make a short appearance and what happens? You get stuck there and at the afternoon your friends begin calling you to find out were you are (being here 1 hour before the conference start I had to get a table in the library leaving all my stuff there). The positive side is I got free lunch and two "fika" pauses during the day. Free is good.
Returning to my place and my friends they tell me the result on the last home-exam is out and guess what? My first VG (A or B, in this case B as it was precisely on the borderline and it makes it even sweeter) on a Political Scientist sub-course, EVER. It's fricking awesome, especially since this exam was seen as the worst one ever. And now I have to get this one right and I can put onward a second complete VG on my CV (the other one being Economics). I tell you, I'm on a roll now.
Yeah, and during all this excitement I agreed on representing the Washington Semester Program on Hotspot (work fair) in April. In the middle of the essay procedure and job hunting . I hope my luck doesn't run out now and throw me down the gutter. It wouldn't surprise me though, but I would feel so ashamed to miss the current home-exam as I specialized on International Relations. To fail would be the most shaming thing I ever done and would hunt me till the end. I must not fail, I shall have that VG no matter the cost. Nothing is dear enough to keep... except chocolate... and coke... I'm doomed am I not?
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