onsdag 16 september 2009

Woke Up This Morning

That's what I did today. Woke up this morning and felt very strange. It was a lot more light than usual and I didn't feel as tired I usually felt when waking up. Open my eyes and took a glance on the alarm clock: 09:10.

Damn, I overslept. I probably had forgot to start the alarm. Of course it was nice to sleep a little longer, especially since I blew my 8 hour sleep by watching a documentary about US foreign policy in the middle-east connected to their need of oil. Of course it ended around midnight. Get some breakfast and then walk of to class. 1 hour late, but still 2 hours to go so better make the most out of it. I apparently didn't miss anything important so just flow with the tide.

Afterwards it was back to the library and sit with this infernal statistic course. I now have spent most of the last weeks in the library from 8 to 16. It has gone so far as the freshman for this year exclaiming when they see me in the morning that I'm living there. Somehow I find it kinda funny. I must be sick or something.

Also, with my graduation running closer every day I need to build up my CV. So I'm trying to land a part in the job fair at Karlstad University next year in April. Time to be at the forefront and have fingers crossed. In the news not much happens. Swedish terrorists, the financial crisis that seems to be at an end 1 year after it began. And this is supposed to be the worst financial crisis since the 1930's? Even the Swedish crisis of 1990-94 (the article says '91-'92, but the Swedish one has the other years) lasted longer and had a much bigger impact (at least for us). Funny enough it's even on this day 17 years since the Swedish Central Bank (the oldest Central Bank in the world non the less) raised the interest rate to 500% to protect "Kronan". Of course it failed miserable and cost us a lot for nothing.

On another note, after the shock-waves from the health-care reform in the US, Sweden has been painted as a Socialist state to be warned of. Completely ludicrous of course, but now someone has written a report describing us as "a bastion of market capitalism". I have no idea how that person ever came to that conclusion. Especially since we have the second highest tax rate in Europe (and the world if you take away to small islands with almost 100% tax) and a lot of monopolies or very limited selection of companies (especially in the energy market) but hey, I'm not complaining. We are the nation/country "Lagom" so why can't we be both? It would probably fit us like a glove.

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