Have you ever thought about the fact that people look very much alike? Not that they dress the same or something similar, but that you recognize their faces even though you don't know them? This is not that the same actor played two different roles in different movies, but that persons looks like people you have meet before. Their face have the same lines, same nose and so on. Also that these persons are separated by a huge geographical area. So it is very unlikely that it is really them you know. This is probably a proof we have a limited sets of either genes or God's (or any other religious being or technical for the Matrix believer) limited creativity in creating various people.
And no, no actors or other famous people. Just ordinary people (today that is, who knows abut the future). Hey, the updating goes much more often now. And nothing is actually relevant.
you are back on track now Niklas. It is pretty regular! This is nice frequence, some times every week.