söndag 22 maj 2011

Holy Water

And once again the water is gone, a pipe broke. And I, foolish as I am, left only 1/4 of water in a a small coke bottle. Why didn't I learn from last time and always fill the bottle no matter what the night before. Later this day when dehydration kicks in I probably blame it on the Greens since they've had a conference here this weekend and you know how much I detest them, they probably blew the pipe just to spite me. Yeah, thats gotta be it.

Well, better now then next week with the grand ending of my time at the university. Think about that, being completely wasted and no water to ease the suffering, dehydration or refill all the fluids that probably will leave the body (if the nights goes horrible wrong, but we don't want that, do we?). I wonder what everyone else is doing?

*looking on facebook*

Hmm, it appears Campusfesten was yesterday. Oh, I don't envy any of them who went there, waking up without any water, no, I think my feelings is more like shadenfraude or maybe some ironic amusement over the whole situation... or I might be an old cranky student who can't enjoy partying that much anymore. Yeah, getting old is bitch, and I'm not really that old. I'm 23 goddammit. At least I've began taking walks to at least attempt on a somewhat better health and more strength. Although, I should probably have started more than a month ago to be prepared for what's coming. Yeah, it's a Grand Finale alright, hope its only a figurative big bang and not a literal on in my mind on sunday.  

fredag 20 maj 2011

3 Day Funk

I don't know how I managed to be this lucky, but apparently, completely out of random, faith decided to put three parties on three different days adjacent to themselves. All of those deciding this were completely separate from each other and I only had the say in one of them. And that one was decided six months ago, the rest this week. So it's gonna non-stop between Thursday next week until Sunday that week. I actually think this is the first time I even attempt a 3-day party. So lots of preparations that is. Food need to be bought and cooked, the fridge shall have alcoholic beverages on cooling together with a coke for the late-night chips and dip to avoid complete hangover. Cloths bought and laundered and finally, the biggest challenge of them all: 

Total cleaning of the apartment

Spring cleaning. Gotta love it. A fun thing would be if someone calls me and ask if it's party time on Wednesday, that means four days... what's the record that doesn't include human and animal sacrifices at the Colosseum for the parties? The fun thing with all these are the meeting of old friends once again. The Thursday is for the newest accountancies I have had the pleasure to meet, my sociology friends in Sociology A. Unfortunately I think they might be left leaning, with a majority of sociologist's are sympathizing with the left party. Then Friday is the project management group that gets together again, after 4-5 months, but one and a half year since most of us were together at the same. And lastly Saturday, when the Pol. Mags. once again appears to enlighten the world (or just Karlstad since we probably wont be able to get anywhere, at least not me). Hopefully more people will show up, at least more people out of town will appear... mostly since more people have moved out of Karlstad since last year. Yeah, lots of memories will be touched upon, hopefully I will be able to stand all the other things around it.

söndag 15 maj 2011

Doing the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '11 (3)

We came third? Huh, didn't see that coming. This just proves that last years lucky pick of Germany was just a one-shot thing. The funny thing is that we were in the lead halfway through. The reason? We probably had one of the more mediocre songs that appealed some, but not enough people to vote on us. Seeing as we didn't get any 12 points until the very end. You could also see that that was due to a schism between the balkan and former soviet blocks awarding high points to the neighbors, while the nordic block was divided and didn't stick together. And lastly, we probably lost a couple of points due to Ireland for being somewhat similar (at least every newspaper and eurovision-expert said they were similar, I don't know), for example maybe have been given 12 points from Denmark, but then again, can we really trust the danes?

Anyway, my other thought was shot down early enough, I had seen a Top 5 with Russia, a balkan country, a scandinavian country and 2 completely random countries... well not completely shot down, there was  2 scandinavian countries (Sweden and Denmark), 2 former soviet republics (Azerbaijan  and Ukraine) and Italy. Russia wasn't even in Top 10, but I should probably guess next years Top 5 and it will be a scandinavian country a former soviet republic, a balkan country and 2 completely random. Really, that is probably the best guess out there, taking into account the different voting blocks... it was true 2010 and 2006 with one of the blocks being more dominant in the years between that. I wonder if there is some statistical formula to pin-point the winner?

Well well, there is also another interesting idea that some has looked into that many winners are correlated with a certain political or economical phenomena, mentioned are Irelands economic upheaval in the 90's when they won 3 times in a row, Ukraine's victory in 2004 which followed with the Orange Revolution and Russia in 2008 who continued to win the world championship in Hockey and... ah... um... invade Georgia, maybe not so lucky for the georgians (I would present you with a link to the article, but they seem to have some technical difficulties to find it). So what can we expect from this? Wars? Revolutions? Miracles? Who knows, but it shall be interesting to see who wins 2012 since then we end the mayan calender in december. Speaking 2012, they already made a wikipedia page of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest with countries who already signed up... makes you sad, does it not?

lördag 14 maj 2011

Doing the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '11 (2)

So we entered the finals this year, compared to the utter failure from last time... yeah, good times knowing that the Swedish people have no sense of what good music is. Still, they haven't learnt anything anyway so it's a bit sad we didn't fail once again. That would have thought them for the utter failure of not let Belgium win in 2003, or not send Roger Pontare in 2006. Yeah, this is probably some of the reasons why I detest this show, the people has no taste when it comes to music.

Otherwise there is election time in Sweden once again... not the whole of Sweden mind you, only the regional election in Västra Götaland and a local election in Örebro. So I can't vote, but that doesn't stop me from commenting on it... the lack of any political temperature in this election is. I frankly don't know what the election is about. All that I do know is that all party leaders are down in Gothenburg campaigning in the last minute... when they actually don't have a reason to be there since they are politicians on national level and it's not them who the people vote for. This gets kinda absurd when you read the comments in all the newspapers, but in my own biased mind, this problem stirs much more in those supporting the social democratic party. They don't seem to get that and continues to blame the right-wing coalition for the problems... when the social democratic party been in power since the region was created in 1998. Although it was in a coalition between the Center party and the liberal party, but since as usual the social democrats have always been the biggest party so they stand with most responsibility.

But really, all I can do since I neither live there or use any of the services provided I can't do much else then spew poison on those parties I don't like without knowing if they do a good or bad job. Therefore it's much easier to aim it on the national politicians since they probably don't know it either. And that's probably one of the more truthful statements you will ever see on the internet. 

fredag 13 maj 2011

A bit late, but what the H***

* Something I found which I didn't publish when I was in the US. Don't know why, probably because it's a bit short. Don't know which day I wrote this but here it is anyway, a short rambling on a film and people who like sugar on their popcorn, why ain't I more surprised by that?*

Then come Sunday. The day to rest. Forget that. Today was study time, for three hours at lest. Then it was movie time down in the TARC with popcorn. The movie for today was The Italian Job. Very good, but felt like the Ocean-movies, but this time it was at least a small cast of characters so you knew who was who. Some Germans was there and watched the movie and took some popcorn. And suddenly they said "whats this?" and looked at the popcorn. "Its supposed to be sugar on these" and I go "what?". And here I thought the Americans had strange taste, but the Germans seems to be even crazier. Sugar on popcorn?

Doing the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '11 (1)

And we are halfway through May. Today is the semi-final in Eurovision Song Contest and Sweden is participating in this one. With this much crap around I'm a bit confused why I haven't written anything more. Probably better since I totally failed to redo last years lucky shot with Germany as the winners. I had Turkey and   I think Armenia from the first semi-finale as possibly good songs, but both didn't qualify. Also, although the music isn't that good, I found the Portuguese song interesting, but without knowing the languish the whole thing flew over my head. And I don't know which songs that are going up tonight except the Swedish one so I can't make a qualified guess... I do spend a lot of time on something I actually don't like it seems.

I can at least speak about the Big Five, and frankly only France had an interesting song and Italy has something there, the others are jut dreadful. Especially the German song, and it's the same singer as last year. Nothing is the same, the only reason why I liked last years song was due to its fast and catchy song, but this, is just slow and boring. Although I probably should credit it with a nice jazz infused beat, but it doesn't get any better. Question is if I'm gonna listen to the songs or delve deep into the fantasy world of Chrono Trigger since there is nothing fun about watching these anymore since there is no people left to bash it with.

Otherwise its going fine, I passed my Economics exam and got a VG on a method course without opening the books so I'm happy. Just had to brag about the awesomeness that is me... what do you mean I been here to long? Its only been 5 years? It's not my fault I've done method courses almost 9 times before this.

måndag 2 maj 2011

Season of Spring

Time seems to be something I'm missing a lot of. It's already May and it's almost a month since the last update. Then again, I've excused myself so many times before I don't have anything new to say about it without repeating all my other excuses. Anyway, as it is the beginning of May it only means one thing, Walpurgis Night. Once again we participate in our ancient pagan rituals to bestow fertility to the earth and celebrate the coming of spring. I've heard somewhere that you can see an increase of birthrates 9 months after each bigger holiday in Sweden which would indicate that in December/January we will see the result of this holiday... December? But I'm born in December... that means...

Anyway, it was also the first time I was home during these since I moved to Karlstad 5 years ago. Grandpa celebrated his 80 birthday a bit early when everyone was gathered so I had to travel home. It's a construction site at home trying to renovate it after almost 15 years of neglect. The door to my room was gone so it was a bit hard to go to sleep with lights, sounds and what not, luckily the cat was no where to be seen so she couldn't steal my pillow anyway. And then it was Labour Day, the real labour day on May 1, not the one in September. And as usual it's more a recovering hangover day for the most of us, except the red parties who do their demonstration walk. This has always fascinated me since the workers union and the Social Democratic party has been together since 1889 and has during the last 70 years been in power, so what are you really demonstrating against? Frankly, the whole Swedish society is built after the social democratic idea and ideology. They are demonstrating against themselves (much more obvious when they were in power).

So you probably guessed I didn't go, not surprising since I see myself as a liberal (that is a right-wing ideology in Sweden for those who come from countries with a different ideological spectrum). Frankly, I'm the only in the family I guess. At least I can argue my perspective after 5 years studies in politics, economics and law (plus some other courses I've taken during the years). I wonder what happens in the rest of the world when I was gone... Bin Laden been killed? Holy Sh...