I should probably write on the essay as tomorrow is the first deadline for the essay, but I think I will manage and this post is something I must tell the world both as it is hilarious stupid but also completely insane. You who have read this blog for some time knows I voted for the Social democrats in the election of 2006. I agree with some of their policies and they have done good things for Sweden, until 30 years ago at least. I will not deny I will vote for the Alliance this time, especially the liberal party as I find myself agree a lot more with them this time as the situation has changed since last time. It doesn't help that the Red-greens releases statements and ideas I can't even touch without feeling nauseated. The social democrats then makes themeless unvotable from my side.
What have they done you might ask? Well, OK so MP and V first of wants to lower working time between 5-10 hours a week. To my economic education that is just plain to much for our economy to handle at the moment. And it's not a common platform so S have said no and probably can keep them in check and so on. Then in their
shadow budget it was the kilometer tax on all transportation that will heighten inflation and a tax raise on petroleum. Meaning the whole non-cities of Sweden will be left empty as it will be to expansive to live there. Also inflation means higher rates that will slow down the economic recovery together with heighten taxes. Summary they don't know anything about politics even though one of them has ruled the Swedish economy for 75 years. Okey, this is workable from my side as they like big government and I'm educated for that which means more jobs for me and I could probably manage the tax raises, but does it end here? F*** NO!
This is their outline for a new foreign policy for Sweden. What does it say? It says that Sweden should demand that the US leaves its military bases abroad and get their troops home... everywhere. Not only speaking about the ridicules idea that we have anything to say since we doesn't even have a base or even are in an unstable area IT'S JUST COMPLETELY INSANE! They want to destabilize the whole world. Alright, Europe might not be such big of a problem with 2 nuclear states (France and the UK) and the majority of the modern weapon systems in the world although how small they may be. But we are talking about delicate regions in Asia and the Middle-East. In Asia we have Taiwan and Korea protected by the shield of the US military, especially now when
the North Koreans are rumbling on the horizon.
And then there is Japan. Did they forget the 2:d World War? The whole of Asia fears a Japanese military resurgence. The only reason the region have been stable is because the Japanese lived under US protection so they didn't need soldiers. Therefore the others didn't need to have an arms race involving probably nuclear weapons. If the americans leave Japan, they need to get some combat ready troops, the North Koreans answer with even more nuclear threats, South Korea builds up, China feels insecure with more armies around them and spend more money on the military. India feels threatened and invest in their army, Pakistan feels threatened by India and don't get me started on the Russian reaction to the Chinese arms race, trying to match them. Then we are in Europe again and then we need the Americans so they can protect us and then we need to arm us again, but that doesn't work since the red greens lowered the military spending with 2 billion SEK ($250 000 000 or €200 000 000) from todays levels of 41,4 billion SEK ($5 175 000 000 or € 4 140 000 000) almost 2,4 % of the Swedish budget (if I'm calculating it correct). Ending in a big bang. Did anyone of them study international relations or even global history?
Sadly I think I know why they go for that. There is no secret that the Left party is strongly against the US (it's something with the left, I don't know) and probably been one of the stronger advocates for this policy. MP then, why would they be behind this insane piece of c***? Mostly due to the lobby organization
Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society being behind them. Pacifists that don't see longer than their noses. Yes, I don't like them. So all in all, I can't vote Social democrats, probably never again. Cause if I do, this will be the result: